Ever feel like maybe you shouldn't be doing what you're doing? Like maybe you've set your goals and aspirations too high? Like maybe somebody else, ANYBODY else could do it better than you can? Like maybe if you keep at it you'll fail? Maybe if someone knew your past it would be all over? Maybe what you want and what you're willing to work for seems so incredible, so wonderful, so fulfilling and life-changing that you run away from it because something that magnificent could NEVER happen to you?

Remember, as long as what you're hoping for, dreaming about, grinding for, loosing sleep over, and pursuing is in line with God's will for your life, then YOU ARE MEANT TO HAVE IT. PERIODT. Stop doubting yourself and your God. Stop letting others and their negativity prevent you from pursuing your purpose. Most times, those people want to keep you operating in the same realm of fear that is keeping them from pursuing their dreams. Misery loves company. Don't be that company. Decline the invitation and be relentless in your pursuit of what you were called to do. Stop second guessing yourself and quit procrastinating. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to even get started.

That thing you're thinking of right this minute, DO THAT! He will make sure you have what you need to make it happen. I'm so thankful for a God who shows me what to do and promises to equip me for the job. He'll do the same for you.
Love Y'all,
Tickets are selling out FAST- YOU DON'T WANNA MISS THIS! My next appearance will be on June 29th from 5-7pm in Downtown Atlanta with Ciji Townsend, Chief Motivator at Balanced Not Busy. It's gonna be AWESOME and I can't wait to meet all of you!
Don't miss a conversation about busyness, living a balanced life, self-care, and what it means to be still! Just imagine a chat with your girlfriends with wine and light nibbles. #girlsnight
Purchase your ticket on EventBrite here! And check out the event on Facebook here! We want this to be an intimate dialogue, so space is limited. Get your tickets TODAY!
